That said, pretty much everything Donald Trump says makes sense and is truthful. I mean, stuff he says is very accurate, smart guy, I agree with probably 95 percent of what Donald Trump says. Okay, Alex Jones seriously has to be an undercover troll playing a long-con on the fringe right.


Del 3 av serien som handlar om Chemtrails som sprids i Sverige. Hur den påverkar oss och vad det finns för vinning i det för eliten. Sprid vidare, låt de inte 

Den presenterar omfattande  Vill du göra skillnad? I Veckans Anders berättar Anders Haglund om de fundamentala frågor som vi alla borde ställa oss: Hur gör vi skillnad idag? Activist Post - April 11, 2021 | By Peter A. Kirby The following is the complete first chapter from the author's book Chemtrails Exposed: A New  Donald Trump har samröre med Kenneth Copeland och andra i New Age rörelsen. Mer om det i kommande artikel. Donald Trump säger också  De sträcker sig från Illuminati – som populariserats av Dan Brown – till Donald Trump. Föreläsningssalen på Arbetets museum fylls snabbt på.

Donald trump chemtrails

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Jan 28, 2019 Last week, Artsy published a listicle by Rhizome's Aria Dean on the “10 Artistic Masterpieces Meant To Be Experienced Online,” introducing the  Apr 30, 2018 The fact or fiction debate has never raged stronger than it is these days. Social media is an opportunity to have a voice. But, it needs to be an  Mar 24, 2020 stated on March 23, 2020 in a Snapchat screenshot: Says "special military helicopters will spray pesticide against the Corona virus in the skies all  Jan 5, 2017 Wikileaks founder Julian Asange has revealed to Fox News that a Russian- connected source didn't leak hacked emails from the Democratic  Aug 13, 2016 Hey, chemtrail truthers: scientists are tired of your conspiracy theories. So tired, in fact, that they've published a peer-reviewed study telling you  May 13, 2020 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis met with President Donald Trump at the White House today, as the president urges states to open up. Trump said  Oct 6, 2019 Mark Zaid tells ABC News that he is now representing a second whistleblower who has spoken with the inspector general. Jun 26, 2020 1.

2019-08-02 · The Trump administration has taken over the chemtrail program and halted all spraying in most U.S. States. Millions of voters have asked for this spraying to be stopped and Trump appears to have taken their side as he launches his 2020 Presidential campaign.

The Office of Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda. Through civic engagement and public activism, the Office of Donald J. Trump will strive to inform, educate, and inspire Americans from all walks of life as we seek to build a truly great American Future.

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500. Dear President Trump, If you don’t know already, the entire country is under assault by nonstop chemical geoengineering operations via chemtrails and atmospheric chembombs. Donald Trump is a Gemini—the clever, fast-talking sign governed by Mercury the messenger.

Kanske med mest vetenskapliga avsnittet i Våran Podcasts historia! Vilket säger en del, för jättevetenskapligt är det inte. Men vi har vår gode vän Dr. Stefan 

Donald trump chemtrails

– Vi måste ha en mur av människor, säger Donald Trump enligt Washington Post. WASHINGTON DC. Donald Trump ställs inför två åtalspunkter i riksrättsprocessen. Det meddelade Demokraterna i USA:s representanthus under tisdagen. Presidenten själv slår tillbaka och kallar åter frågan om riksrätt för ”häxjakt”. ”Det är löjligt och han vet att det inte är sant”, skriver Donald Trump på Twitter och hänvisar till anklagelserna från justitieutskottets Donald Trump is an American businessman, real estate mogul and the 45th President of the United States.

But don't call it a civil war. När Donald Trump seglade upp som favoritkandidat och sedan vann mot Hillary Clinton lät det annorlunda. Under åren i Vita huset hade Trump en nära allierad i Lindsey Graham. 2021-03-30 · allows visitors to book the former president and his wife for personal appearances and greetings Last modified on Tue 30 Mar 2021 12.55 EDT Visitors to Donald Trump’s new website 02:11.
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An image of Trump allegedly taking a tour of a chemtrail plane went viral and people all assumed this meant Trump was going to shut down chemtrails. advertisement - learn more As we have talked about a lot here at CE, those images don’t actually resemble chemtrail planes, they are simply water ballasts found inside planes who take test flights to test various weights and distributions and how that affects flying. This video will blow your mind, People all over California are noticing unusually clear skies that are free of what many people call chemtrails.

5 mar 2019 Donald Trump si je ogledal letalo, ki ga uporabljajo pri zastrupljanju človeštva z nevarnimi kemikalijami, trdi članek s fotografijo ameriškega p… May 26, 2015 Everybody from Woody Harrelson to Kanye West has gone on record with a crazy conspiracy theory. Jun 3, 2016 Chemtrail conspiracy theories momentarily obscure what's shaping up to be a tight race for John McCain's Senate seat. Jan 31, 2018 The first part of the BBC's series on online conspiracy theories: why some people think chemicals are dropping from the sky. May 24, 2016 They run the gamut from the JFK assassination to Vince Foster's death to, of course, Barack Obama's birth certificate.
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Chemtrails och dalmasar. ▻ En riksdagsledamot från Dalarna, en miljöpartist känd för sin dragning till konspirationsteorier, har lyckats få 

2021-04-12 · Rep. Matt Gaetz, who's facing a federal investigation into sex trafficking allegations, was recently denied a meeting with Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate as the ex-President and his allies Chemtrails CONTINUE across the nation . NOW comes the time of revelation to Trump that he is NOT a 'president' but a slave and puppet to his handlers, and that he has NO authority to do ANY thing but what he is TOLD TO DO ***** President Trump, We the People DO DEMAND that the chemtrails be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. 2020-08-17 · Donald Trump Second lawsuit filed against Trump over Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Donald Trump Anti-Trump Republicans are facing punishment at home.